Monday, August 27, 2007

Neon Tetra fish are very appreciative

Tetra fish belong to the Characidae. These are small freshwater fish. Tetra fish are extremely popular in aquariums, especially those tetra fish that are colored brightly and are easy to take care of in captivity. The Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi) is the most popular in the Tetra species and they are found in Clearwater streams and blackwater streams in Brazil, Peru and Columbia. Tetra fish are very peaceful fish and they are usually kept in aquariums. Keeping Tetra fish and taking care of them is not hard at all.

The Neon Tetra grows no larger than 2 inches, and if you are keeping Neon Tetra fish it is important that you keep 10 fish together. Why is this? Well, Tetra fish is a schooling species and if they are kept alone they will feel much stressed. Neon Tetra fish are very appreciative, and they will appreciate a planted aquarium and also enough room for them to swim. Having floating plants on the surface of the water to dim the light entering the tank is suggested. Also, a darker substrate will assist at creating a dimmer environment. This will help the light not reflect too much.With the dimmer light it will help the Neon Tetra look a little more vibrant in the darkness. The temperature should be between 22 degrees and 25 degrees Celsius. The advantages of the Neon Tetra are that they can live in slightly alkaline water as well as acidity water.

This means that the water with a pH of 5.5 and 7.5 is okay for the fish. Keeping Tetra fish and getting Neon Tetra to eat while captive is not a hard task at all. What you should be concerned about is when you over-feed the Tetra fish. When going to the pet store look for a high-quality food to feed to the Tetra fish.The tropical Tetra fish is the Congo Tetra, and this is a less known species of fish in the Tetra family. This species of Tetra isn't as strong as the Neon Tetra and it is very important that the water is changed frequently.

This type of Tetra is very sensitive to poor conditions. When you home your Congo Tetra in an aquarium it is important that the aquarium is equipped with circulation. This is a peaceful fish but at times it can become very nervous and skittish. To solve this problem you can try decorating the aquarium with plenty of hiding places for the fish. They should be kept with at another five Congo Tetra fish, or even more if you choose.

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