Monday, August 27, 2007

Keeping marine fish healthy

Keeping marine fish should be done as a hobby as it may require a lot of work and you should be dedicated to making sure your fish are happy and healthy at all times. The tank is the first important factor and before you go fish shopping you should get the tank ready so your new fish can be put straight into their tank when you get home. Remember, a stressed fish is an unhealthy one. The tank should be big, the bigger the tank the easier it is to maintain and monitor. It should be at least 2 feet. Put the tank somewhere not too warm and not too cold, but do not put it into direct sunlight as this could result in unwanted algae and could also make the water too warm. The lighting in the tank should be T5 fluorescent. Having this light is better because you will be able to see the fish more clearly and it will provide the tank with great enlightenment. Your other option would be MHL, although this is the more expensive route, you need it if you are going to be keeping corals. When it comes to feeding your fish you first have to monitor how long it takes them to eat it all, do not give them more than they can consume in 3 minutes. Whatever the amount they finish in 3 minutes is the amount they need to be fed. The fish should be fed at least twice a day, always giving them the same amount of food. Overfeeding the fish can lead to cloudy water and you will have to clean the tank more frequently. It is best to remove any excess food from the tank. Keeping marine fish healthy entitles you to maintain the tank properly.

The tank should be topped up every week with distilled water. Never put too many fish in one tank, they need all the space they can get. If you have an obsession with keeping marine fish, rather have a few tanks. The water should be tested at least every two to three weeks to make sure your fish are as healthy as they seem to be. You can use a magnet cleaner to get rid of all the excess algae if you wish to do so. Fish can get ill even if they are looked after correctly. When keeping marine fish there are three illnesses that are most common; Parasites, Ick and Velvet. With parasites you will see a lot of extra mucus on the fish, they will be rubbing themselves on the rocks and you are most likely to see worms in the tank. Ick will cause small white spots on the body and the fish will rub against the bottom of the tank. Velvet will cause your fish to loose color, have white dots and rub on the bottom of the tank.

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